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W I S C O N S I N State Society NEWS

A newsletter for and about Wisconsinites and their friends residing in the Washington, DC, area. March 2022

April 3 Reception to Honor 2022 Wisconsin Cherry Blossom Princess Alyssa Birkeland

This is the 110th Anniversary of the National Cherry Blossom Festival. Our previous princess, Ms. Julia Olsem, has had to step down due to work issues. We are honored to have Ms. Alyssa Birkeland to be our princess for the 2022 Cherry Blossom Festival.

Alyssa will be honored at a reception sponsored by the Wisconsin State Society on Sunday April 3rd at 6:30 pm at the Novel South Capitol, 21 (eye) Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003, East Tower Clubroom. The event is FREE to paid-up members who RSVP by emailing Mary O’Donovan at or calling at (202) 460-2258.

Alyssa Birkeland is a native of West Bend, WI and graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 2020 with a degree in business. On campus, she served as the 2020 Senior Class Vice President. Alyssa currently works as a Regional Political Coordinator for the Republican National Committee. She is the daughter of Ken and Carol Birkeland.

Other Cherry Blossom Festival Activities to Celebrate!

The Festival is more than just the above reception; there are many other Cherry Blossom activities between April 2 and April 9 that members are invited to attend. In addition to the parade on Saturday, April 9, from 10 AM to noon in downtown Washington, the events include the Lantern Lighting Ceremony on Sunday, April 3, 2:30-4:30 at the Tidal Basin; a Tea and Fashion Show on April 5, 2:30-4:30 1150 22nd Street, NW the Ritz Carlton ($105 and $55 for under 12), the Sushi Reception and Grand Ball on April 8 from 6:30 until midnight at the Capitol Hilton ($185 before March 28) . For information on these events and to order tickets, go to the NCSS website at

Updated Website and Social Media

Facebook and E-mail List

Our webpage is To get the latest news join the Wisconsin State Society Facebook page. Or by going to Twitter @wiscstatesociety.

If you have an idea for an event, please let us know. Also, if your Wisconsin Alumni group or school is having an event in DC, contact us and we will be happy to help publicize.

2022 Dues are Due

Our dues did not increase, we still only charge $20 person and $30 for family. Students and interns as well as Congressional Staff are $10. Corporate memberships are $200. Please make check payable to the Wisconsin State Society or go to our website at If you are unsure if you are a paid member for 2022 please email us at Members get discounted free pricing and preferential treatment for projected events.

Packers at FEDEX Field

Green Bay Packers vs Washington Commanders at FedExField in 2022

WSS has been asked if we would like to participate and we said yes – stayed tuned as more information becomes available.

Deep Sympathies

Hank Schneider was a longtime member of the WSS and passed on February 9, 2022. He was living in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. Hank did much for the WSS and always gave of himself. He will be missed by all who knew him. Please keep him and his family in your prayers and all the deceased members of WSS.

Officers for 2022

The Board of Directors for 2022:

  • Mary O’Donovan as President and delegate to the National Conference.

  • Bill Wagner as President Emeritus and Treasurer.

  • Katy Johnston as Website and Social Media Director

  • Susan Jollie as Corporate Secretary.

  • Randall Bohnert will serve as back-up Delegate to the National Conference.

We welcome volunteers to serve in other positions and also to serve on our Board. Positions can be created for individuals looking to serve in a specific capacity, and responsibilities and commitment of time can vary depending on your availability.


More Events

Have an idea for an event or want to organize one? We are very interested. Contact us via our website or email us at

Softball Team Manager Needed

We will again be forming a Wisconsin softball team to field in the one-day NCSS Tournament of State Societies in July (exact date TBD). We need a team captain. Please contact Mary O’Donovan if you’re interested.

Brewers in Town June 10, 11, 12

The Milwaukee Brewers are in town to play the Nationals this year on Friday, June 10, Saturday, June 11, and Sunday, June 12. We are planning on having a tailgate party for the Saturday game. Stay tuned.

Upcoming Events!

Mark Your Calendar


Membership Meeting & Happy Hour

March 5

Capitol Movement Awakened

Our Princess is in the production

Capital Turnaround, SW,DC

March 26

Kite Festival

April 3

Cherry Blossom Reception

FREE to Paid Members

6:30 PM

Novel South Capitol

East Tower Clubroom

April 11,12,13

Brewers vs Orioles


Volunteer Event

June 11,12,13

Brewers vs Nationals

Tailgate and Game

July 16


Softball Tournament


Octoberfest Happy Hour


Packers vs Washington Commanders at FEDEX Field


Marquette vs Wisconsin


Badgers and Packers Football



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